Moodle importation files - After Mobility: Module 12 - Reverse culture shock

Module 12 Reverse culture shock

Recognize the symptoms of reverse culture shock, and use the technique of storytelling to help manage a successful re entry.

  • Step 1: A new ‘Home’

  • Step 2: Recognising feelings of reverse culture shock

  • Step 3: How to cope with Reverse Culture Shock

  • Step 4: Communicating about the added value of your experience

  • Step 5: Capitalise on the experience for your future career

  • Step 6: Using Storytelling for a transformative experience


  • Reverse Culture Shock: Re-integrating into your home town

  • Hero's Journey: The adventure you embrace when on mobility

  • Ordinary World: The normal life before mobility

  • Adventure: Your time abroad

  • Trials: The challenges you face during mobility

  • Crisis: The darkest hour during your mobility

  • Treasure: The memorable moments and your victories on the challenges

  • Resolution: Born anew with new experiences


Module 12 Reverse culture shock

  • SECTION 1 -Reverse Culture Shock - A New "Home"
  • This section will provide the definition of Reverse Culture Shock, which is often underestimated. When coming back from a study abroad experience, you have to adapt to a new concept of home.

  • SECTION 2 -A Solution with Storytelling - Communicate the Added Value of Study Abroad
  • This section will provide a solution to the difficulties you can experience when coming back home: storytelling. After reflecting, share your story with others in order to communicate the added value of study abroad.
  • SECTION 3 -A Hero's Journey and its Steps
  • This section will introduce the Hero's Journey narrative pattern. A study abroad experience and the different phases you go through can be compared using this theoretical model.
  • SECTION 4 - A New Ordinary Life
  • This section will teach you how to translate the "treasure" acquired during your study abroad period into new knowledge, skills and attitudes which can help you find a job.
  • SECTION 5 -Ambassadors
  • This section will show you some videos of other students who have come back after an experience abroad.
  • SECTION 6 -Resources
  • Here are links to resources that you can use to deepen your knowledge of the subjects covered in this capsule.