Moodle importation files - During Mobility: Module 8 - Supporting Student Crisis

Module 8 Supporting Student Crisis

This module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to prepare yourself for and respond to actual crisis situations. For the purpose of this capsule, a crisis is defined as a set of circumstances which poses an immediate risk to a student’s physical and mental well-being. This includes natural disasters, acts of terrorism, sudden loss of a family member, friend or flatmate, hospitalisation, and others. Some events which may be perceived as a crisis situation by students themselves, such as failing an exam, are not dealt with in this capsule.

  • Step 1: Intro – definition of crisis and what the capsule will address

  • Step 2: Practical steps for being prepared

  • Step 3: Budgeting or Financial Issues.

  • Step 4: Accessing local resources

  • Step 5: Are you going through a crisis? Exercises to work through crises and coping mechanisms to help you when you’re in crisis


  • Crisis: A situation or time of intense difficulty or danger, often requiring a decision. It can feel like we do not have the time or ability to make that decision carefully, and with full information. This is why it is important to know how to order your thoughts and overcome confusion or panic.

  • Support Resources: any source of help, comfort, or advice during a time of crisis. These can include counsellors, family/friends, conversations, mental or physical health guides etc...


Module 8 Supporting Student Crisis

  • SECTION 1 - Introduction: Supporting student crisis
  • If you are in immediate danger, contact your local emergency services, local embassy, your doctor and a friend or family member that you trust. If it is appropriate, contact your insurance company as well.

  • SECTION 2 - Your crisis contact list: How to prepare yourself for a crisis
  • What do you need in a time of crisis? Information! In this section of the capsule, you will fill out relevant information for you to download and save on your computer/mobile device or print out and store in multiple places.
  • SECTION 6 - Work through crises and coping mechanisms to help you when you’re in crisis
  • These exercises are for you if you are going through a crisis and need some support resources to work through. If you are going through a crisis right now and you need some help to calm down, try working through the steps below.
  • SECTION 8 -Accessing local resources
  • Studying abroad provides tremendous opportunity for growth and self-development.

Download all the module here...